The ancient call to prayer, Conversi ad Dominum (Turn to the Lord).
13 April 2008
For Bill, Matthew, et al.
Below are photographs of the interior of Holy Incarnation. These photos were taken during Lauds and Mass on Passion Sunday, 13 April 2008. They show our temporary arrangement of the liturgical space.
The altar was the “Lady Altar” (a side altar) at the former Incarnation Orthodox Church in Detroit.
We are currently considering bids which have been presented for permanent remodeling of the interior.
THANK YOU! MANY YEARS! Will you have a place to put the "LADY CHAPEL" later? Happy things are moving forward for HOLY INCARNATION. LORD's BLESSINGS to all.wq
Will you have a place to put the "LADY CHAPEL" later?
Happy things are moving forward for HOLY INCARNATION.
LORD's BLESSINGS to all.wq
Let me add my thanks also, Fr. John! And hasn't your altar server grown a tad since I last saw him assisting you!!!
Father John,
Thank you for posting these pics, I look forward to seeing how Holy Incarnation's 'settling in' develops.
In Christ,
Sbdn. Lucas
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