26 April 2008

Christ Killed What Was Killing Everyone

In anticipation of Pascha, I offer the following from our Holy Father among the saints Peter Chrysologus:

Christ accepted death so that death would die. Christ, by being killed, killed what was killing everyone. Christ entered the tomb in order to open up hell. So, having abolished the authority of death, having destroyed the prison of hell, and having annihilated the very power of death, Christ now should not be anointed as a dead man, but should be adored as Victor.


13 April 2008

For Bill, Matthew, et al.

Below are photographs of the interior of Holy Incarnation. These photos were taken during Lauds and Mass on Passion Sunday, 13 April 2008. They show our temporary arrangement of the liturgical space.

The altar was the “Lady Altar” (a side altar) at the former Incarnation Orthodox Church in Detroit.

We are currently considering bids which have been presented for permanent remodeling of the interior.

08 April 2008

Orthodox Holy Week

For those who might be interested, here is the Holy Week & Easter Week schedule for Holy Incarnation Orthodox Church.

06 April 2008


"I will always have a place in my heart for the people of Zion. This is the parish, and you are the people, I will always love." (Oct 2006)

The good people of Zion, with their pastor, are in my prayers.

On the Reading of Parish Newsletters

Parish Newsletter don't always make the most exciting reading. Nevertheless, for the interested or curious, Holy Incarnation now has a monthly parish newsletter. It's called The Chanticleer and can be accessed here.