His Grace, Bishop MARK, has named the parish "Holy Incarnation Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church." It will be a Western Rite parish. This means that it will follow the worship forms that were established in western churches prior to the Great Schism.
Those Orthodox Christians who employ the traditional Western worship are commonly known as “Western Rite Orthodox.” Although their worship forms are different, Western Rite Orthodox Christians share the same faith, doctrine and morality as their Eastern Orthodox brothers and sisters. They are in communion with each other.
Holy Incarnation Orthodox Church will begin regular Sunday worship with Lauds and Mass on Quinquagesima Sunday, 18 February 2007.
For more information about the mission, you may visit the Holy Incarnation website. You may also subscribe to the announcement list.
Congratulations Detroit, and congratulations to you, too, Father. What a wonderful name for a church. Many years to all of you.
congratulations! What a blessed day for your church family.
I noticed on your website that you specify that the Biblical studies on Sunday and Thursday are according to the Douey-Rheims text of the Bible. Are you going to use the "Challoner Revised Douey-Rheims" which borrows heavily from the King James Version or the "True" Douey-Rheims" Bible from 1582/1609 (as transcribed by Willian von Peters)?
Thanks for your question.
The primary text for our Biblical studies will be the edition of the Douay-Rheims revised by Bishop Richard Challoner. The chief reason for this is the availability and expense. To my knowledge, the 1582/1609 orginal versions in modern orthography is available only here (http://www.lulu.com/content/151358) and here (http://www.realdouayrheims.com/). I am most willing, however, to learn of other sources.
For those unfamiliar with, or interested in, this topic, this link (http://www.bible-researcher.com/links09.html) may prove helpful.
Fr. John,
Axios! Congratulations on your ordination as an Orthodox priest and on the establishment of your mission. I met you a few years ago at the Antiochian House of Studies. You were in the Dmin program, and I was working on my St. Stephen's diploma in Theology. I am overjoyed that God has led you into the Church. May God grant you many years!
Fr. James Early
Assistant Priest,
St. Joseph's Antiochian Orthodox Church
Houston, TX
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