13 March 2009

Invitation to an Open House

Holy Incarnation Orthodox Church will host an open house on Sunday, March 29 from 11 a.m. until 4 p.m. The open house will showcase the church’s newly redecorated sanctuary.

This event will celebrate another significant milestone for our little parish, which held its initial Mass in February 2007, purchased its own facility in February 2008, and now has redesigned the interior so that it looks like a traditional church.

We would be honored if the local readers of this blog would join us sometime during the day. If your schedule permits, please feel free to join us also for Mass at 9:30 a.m. or for Vespers at 4:00 p.m.

Read more about the open house.

Read more about Holy Incarnation.


Anonymous said...

I'm afraid that's quite a drive from Pennsylvania, or I'd be tempted to attend.

You didn't used to live in Indiana, did you, father?

Fr John W Fenton said...

I lived in Indiana when I attended the Lutheran seminary in Fort Wayne (1985-1989). I also lived in Ft Wayne for one year when I was a teenager (1976-1977).

Anonymous said...

Right state, wrong town. I knew a John Fenton, you see, but in the southern part of the state.

Fr. Andrew said...

I wish I could be there. Many years to you and your community!